Is this from Leon Kuwata's point of view??(これは桑田怜恩視点??) Very interesting,I would love to see the continuation(とても面白い、続きが見たいです。)
It was just a new day and I just arrived at hope’s peak academy, I stand over looking over the letter I got, I might as well be lucky to be entered into this school, hope’s peak academy is a really good school and let me just tell you it searches for the best and talented people in order to be accepted into this school you must be a high school student and you must be really good into your talent in order to be accepted at a school like hope’s peak is really accurate because you never know you might be accepted.
???: I’m guessing we are doing my introductions huh? Well I guess I could introduce myself I’m Merry Sakamoto nice to meet ya!
to be honest with you I thought I would never really be accepted into a school like this but I guess it’s the way it is I guess, but I really hate my talent when I first got my letter they accepted that fact that I play baseball which is something Ive always wanted to do but you know there’s always been a dream of mine, that dream for me is being the best baseball player in the league so that’s what I’m aiming for. I look at hope’s peak academy because today’s the day that we all are going for our first day of class so waiting hesitant I stepped forward towards hope’s peak academy.
I managed to get inside of it being there just makes me happy and I must wait for the others.
* spriling*
huh? What’s happening to me? I felt as if something was really happening to me and that’s when everything went black.