おそ「Hey? Was it really okay for me?」
彩羽「Yeah, I’m glad it’s you because I love you so much」
おそ「Seriously, but he was popular, right? I heard it from Yui-chan.」
彩羽「Yes, I have been confessed to. I have countless love letters, but you’re the only one I have」
おそ「Where did you fall in love with it? That’s unbelievable.
I… everyone hates me. I,
is it OK?」
彩羽「I can’t help it, someone somewhere will hate me.
Even so, if something is wrong with you, you can do it back」
おそ「By the way, Ayaba-chan, have you ever been made fun of?」
彩羽「I’m sure you’ve been made fun of at times. Even bad rumors were spread. I still loved you.」
おそ「Ayaba-chan, you’re a really good person, and I can’t forgive anyone who makes fun of you.」
彩羽「You’re a good guy too. That’s how you think about me. I don’t know if my single-mindedness will be transmitted to you, bu」
おそ「I don’t understand at school. I’ll have a look at it at home.」
彩羽「I don’t think he usually gets angry or cold. Well, it depends on your actions.」
おそ「What do you mean it depends on my actions?」
彩羽「Of course I won’t be able to be kind to you if you betray my trust.」
おそ「Cheating? Don’t do it! Something like that」
( 浮気?しねぇよ!んな事)
彩羽「I do not know. I might do it when I get used to it. For that reason, I will keep a close eye on your actions. Even though I’m here! If so, I’ll do the same」
おそ「Oh, oh.」
彩羽「That’s all for today. Do you talk at home? I don’t have any plans today.」
おそ「That’s all for today. Do you talk at home? I don’t have any plans today.」
彩羽「It certainly feels like there’s going to be some killing going on in your house.」
彩羽「By the way, I heard that you got into a fight about me before.」
おそ「Which one is the best fit for your boyfriend?」
彩羽「Why do I feel more cruel when my brother fights? That’s because you feel pressure. Do you understand」
おそ「I forgot to ask, but why did you fall in love with me?」
彩羽「It was cool. When you said you loved my heart, an arrow stuck in the middle.」
おそ「When I saw Ayane-chan’s smile, I started to smile a lot, right?
Hey? Do you understand?」
彩羽「Let’s go home!」
👏 最初のコメントを書いて作者に喜んでもらおう!